Interface Collector

All Known Implementing Classes:
Counter, CounterWithCallback, Gauge, GaugeWithCallback, Histogram, Info, Metric, MetricWithFixedMetadata, StateSet, Summary, SummaryWithCallback
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

To be registered with the Prometheus collector registry. See Overall Structure on
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Called when the Prometheus server scrapes metrics.
    Provides Collector with the details of the request issued by Prometheus to allow multi-target pattern implementation Override to implement request dependent logic to provide MetricSnapshot
    collect(Predicate<String> includedNames)
    Like collect(), but returns null if includedNames.test(name) is false.
    collect(Predicate<String> includedNames, PrometheusScrapeRequest scrapeRequest)
    Like collect(Predicate), but with support for multi-target pattern.
    default String
    This is called in two places: During registration to check if a metric with that name already exists. During scrape to check if this collector can be skipped because a name filter is present and the metric name is excluded. Returning null means checks are omitted (registration the metric always succeeds), and the collector is always scraped (the result is dropped after scraping if a name filter is present and the metric name is excluded).
  • Method Details

    • collect

      Called when the Prometheus server scrapes metrics.
    • collect

      Provides Collector with the details of the request issued by Prometheus to allow multi-target pattern implementation Override to implement request dependent logic to provide MetricSnapshot
    • collect

      default MetricSnapshot collect(Predicate<String> includedNames)
      Like collect(), but returns null if includedNames.test(name) is false.

      Override this if there is a more efficient way than first collecting the snapshot and then discarding it.

    • collect

      default MetricSnapshot collect(Predicate<String> includedNames, PrometheusScrapeRequest scrapeRequest)
      Like collect(Predicate), but with support for multi-target pattern.

      Override this if there is a more efficient way than first collecting the snapshot and then discarding it.

    • getPrometheusName

      This is called in two places:
      1. During registration to check if a metric with that name already exists.
      2. During scrape to check if this collector can be skipped because a name filter is present and the metric name is excluded.
      Returning null means checks are omitted (registration the metric always succeeds), and the collector is always scraped (the result is dropped after scraping if a name filter is present and the metric name is excluded).

      If your metric has a name that does not change at runtime it is a good idea to overwrite this and return the name.

      All metrics in prometheus-metrics-core override this.