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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


accepts(String) - Method in interface ExpositionFormatWriter
accepts(String) - Method in class OpenMetricsTextFormatWriter
accepts(String) - Method in class PrometheusProtobufWriter
accepts(String) - Method in class PrometheusTextFormatWriter
add(String, String) - Method in class Labels
Create a new Labels instance containing the labels of this and the label passed as name and value.
addIfAbsent(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class ResourceAttributesDefaults
addIfAbsent(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class ResourceAttributesFromJarFileName
addIfAbsent(Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class ResourceAttributesFromOtelAgent
This grabs resource attributes like and from the OTel Java agent (if present) and adds them to result.
addLabelValues(String...) - Method in class Info
Create an info data point with the given label values.
address(String) - Method in class PushGateway.Builder
Address of the Pushgateway in format host:port.
ALLOW_ALL - Static variable in class MetricNameFilter
For convenience, a filter that allows all names.
allowedNames(String...) - Method in class ExporterFilterProperties.Builder
Only allowed metric names will be exposed.
allowedPrefixes(String...) - Method in class ExporterFilterProperties.Builder
Only metrics with a name starting with an allowed prefix will be exposed.
AMPERES - Static variable in class Unit
authenticator(Authenticator) - Method in class HTTPServer.Builder
Optional: Authenticator for authentication.
awaitInitialization() - Static method in class Scheduler
For unit test.


basicAuth(String, String) - Method in class PushGateway.Builder
Username and password for HTTP basic auth when pushing to the Pushgateway.
bucket(double, long) - Method in class ClassicHistogramBuckets.Builder
Must be called at least once for the Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY bucket.
bucket(int, long) - Method in class NativeHistogramBuckets.Builder
Add a native histogram bucket.
build() - Method in class ExemplarsProperties.Builder
build() - Method in class ExporterFilterProperties.Builder
build() - Method in class ExporterHttpServerProperties.Builder
build() - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties.Builder
build() - Method in class ExporterProperties.Builder
build() - Method in class MetricsProperties.Builder
build() - Method in class Counter.Builder
build() - Method in class CounterWithCallback.Builder
build() - Method in class Gauge.Builder
build() - Method in class GaugeWithCallback.Builder
build() - Method in class Histogram.Builder
build() - Method in class Info.Builder
build() - Method in class MetricWithFixedMetadata.Builder
build() - Method in class StateSet.Builder
build() - Method in class Summary.Builder
build() - Method in class SummaryWithCallback.Builder
build() - Method in class PushGateway.Builder
build() - Method in class MetricNameFilter.Builder
build() - Method in class ClassicHistogramBuckets.Builder
Will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY bucket is missing.
build() - Method in class CounterSnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class Exemplar.Builder
build() - Method in class Exemplars.Builder
build() - Method in class GaugeSnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class GaugeSnapshot.GaugeDataPointSnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class InfoSnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class InfoSnapshot.InfoDataPointSnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class Labels.Builder
build() - Method in class MetricSnapshots.Builder
build() - Method in class NativeHistogramBuckets.Builder
build() - Method in class Quantiles.Builder
build() - Method in class StateSetSnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class SummarySnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class SummarySnapshot.SummaryDataPointSnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class UnknownSnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class UnknownSnapshot.UnknownDataPointSnapshot.Builder
build() - Method in class SimpleclientCollector.Builder
buildAndStart() - Method in class HTTPServer.Builder
Build and start the HTTPServer.
buildAndStart() - Method in class OpenTelemetryExporter.Builder
builder() - Static method in class ExemplarsProperties
builder() - Static method in class ExporterFilterProperties
builder() - Static method in class ExporterHttpServerProperties
builder() - Static method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties
builder() - Static method in class ExporterProperties
builder() - Static method in class MetricsProperties
builder() - Static method in class Counter
builder() - Static method in class CounterWithCallback
builder() - Static method in class Gauge
builder() - Static method in class GaugeWithCallback
builder() - Static method in class Histogram
builder() - Static method in class Info
builder() - Static method in class StateSet
builder() - Static method in class Summary
builder() - Static method in class SummaryWithCallback
builder() - Static method in class HTTPServer
builder() - Static method in class OpenTelemetryExporter
builder() - Static method in class PushGateway
builder() - Static method in class DropwizardExports
builder() - Static method in class JvmBufferPoolMetrics
builder() - Static method in class JvmClassLoadingMetrics
builder() - Static method in class JvmCompilationMetrics
builder() - Static method in class JvmGarbageCollectorMetrics
builder() - Static method in class JvmMemoryMetrics
builder() - Static method in class JvmMemoryPoolAllocationMetrics
builder() - Static method in class JvmMetrics
builder() - Static method in class JvmNativeMemoryMetrics
builder() - Static method in class JvmRuntimeInfoMetric
builder() - Static method in class JvmThreadsMetrics
builder() - Static method in class ProcessMetrics
builder() - Static method in class MetricNameFilter
builder() - Static method in class ClassicHistogramBuckets
To create new ClassicHistogramBuckets, you can either use one of the static of(...) methods, or use builder().
builder() - Static method in class CounterSnapshot
builder() - Static method in class CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot
builder() - Static method in class Exemplar
builder() - Static method in class Exemplars
builder() - Static method in class GaugeSnapshot
builder() - Static method in class GaugeSnapshot.GaugeDataPointSnapshot
builder() - Static method in class HistogramSnapshot
builder() - Static method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot
builder() - Static method in class InfoSnapshot
builder() - Static method in class InfoSnapshot.InfoDataPointSnapshot
builder() - Static method in class Labels
builder() - Static method in class MetricSnapshots
builder() - Static method in class NativeHistogramBuckets
builder() - Static method in class Quantiles
builder() - Static method in class StateSetSnapshot
builder() - Static method in class StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot
builder() - Static method in class SummarySnapshot
builder() - Static method in class SummarySnapshot.SummaryDataPointSnapshot
builder() - Static method in class UnknownSnapshot
builder() - Static method in class UnknownSnapshot.UnknownDataPointSnapshot
builder() - Static method in class SimpleclientCollector
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class Counter
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class CounterWithCallback
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class Gauge
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class GaugeWithCallback
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class Histogram
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class Info
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class StateSet
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class Summary
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class SummaryWithCallback
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class HTTPServer
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class OpenTelemetryExporter
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class PushGateway
The PrometheusProperties will be used to override what is set in the PushGateway.Builder.
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class JvmBufferPoolMetrics
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class JvmClassLoadingMetrics
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class JvmCompilationMetrics
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class JvmGarbageCollectorMetrics
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class JvmMemoryMetrics
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class JvmMemoryPoolAllocationMetrics
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class JvmMetrics
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class JvmNativeMemoryMetrics
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class JvmRuntimeInfoMetric
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class JvmThreadsMetrics
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class ProcessMetrics
builder(PrometheusProperties) - Static method in class SimpleclientCollector
Currently there are no configuration options for the SimpleclientCollector.
Builder() - Constructor for class DataPointSnapshot.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class MetricSnapshot.Builder
BYTES - Static variable in class Unit


call(double, String...) - Method in interface CounterWithCallback.Callback
call(double, String...) - Method in interface GaugeWithCallback.Callback
call(long, double, Quantiles, String...) - Method in interface SummaryWithCallback.Callback
callback(Consumer<CounterWithCallback.Callback>) - Method in class CounterWithCallback.Builder
callback(Consumer<GaugeWithCallback.Callback>) - Method in class GaugeWithCallback.Builder
callback(Consumer<SummaryWithCallback.Callback>) - Method in class SummaryWithCallback.Builder
CELSIUS - Static variable in class Unit
CLASSIC_HISTOGRAM - Static variable in class HistogramSnapshot
classicExponentialUpperBounds(double, double, int) - Method in class Histogram.Builder
Create classic histogram bucxkets with exponential boundaries.
ClassicHistogramBucket - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Helper class for iterating over ClassicHistogramBuckets.
ClassicHistogramBucket(double, long) - Constructor for class ClassicHistogramBucket
classicHistogramBuckets(ClassicHistogramBuckets) - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot.Builder
ClassicHistogramBuckets - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable container for histogram buckets with fixed bucket boundaries.
ClassicHistogramBuckets.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
classicLinearUpperBounds(double, double, int) - Method in class Histogram.Builder
Create classic histogram buckets with linear bucket boundaries.
classicOnly() - Method in class Histogram.Builder
Use the classic histogram representation only, i.e.
classicUpperBounds(double...) - Method in class Histogram.Builder
Set the upper bounds for the classic histogram buckets.
clear() - Method in class Summary
Reset the metric (remove all data points).
close() - Method in class Timer
close() - Method in interface PrometheusHttpExchange
close() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
close() - Method in class HTTPServer
Stop the HTTPServer.
close() - Method in class OpenTelemetryExporter
close() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
close() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
collect() - Method in class ExemplarSampler
collect() - Method in class Counter
Called when the Prometheus server scrapes metrics.
collect() - Method in class CounterWithCallback
collect() - Method in class Gauge
Called when the Prometheus server scrapes metrics.
collect() - Method in class GaugeWithCallback
collect() - Method in class Histogram
Called when the Prometheus server scrapes metrics.
collect() - Method in class Info
Called when the Prometheus server scrapes metrics.
collect() - Method in class Metric
collect() - Method in class StateSet
Called when the Prometheus server scrapes metrics.
collect() - Method in class Summary
Called when the Prometheus server scrapes metrics.
collect() - Method in class SummaryWithCallback
collect() - Method in class DropwizardExports
collect() - Method in interface Collector
Called when the Prometheus server scrapes metrics.
collect() - Method in interface MultiCollector
Called when the Prometheus server scrapes metrics.
collect() - Method in class SimpleclientCollector
collect(PrometheusScrapeRequest) - Method in interface Collector
Provides Collector with the details of the request issued by Prometheus to allow multi-target pattern implementation Override to implement request dependent logic to provide MetricSnapshot
collect(PrometheusScrapeRequest) - Method in interface MultiCollector
Provides Collector with the details of the request issued by Prometheus to allow multi-target pattern implementation Override to implement request dependent logic to provide MetricSnapshot
collect(Predicate<String>) - Method in interface Collector
Like Collector.collect(), but returns null if includedNames.test(name) is false.
collect(Predicate<String>) - Method in interface MultiCollector
Like MultiCollector.collect(), but returns only the snapshots where includedNames.test(name) is true.
collect(Predicate<String>, PrometheusScrapeRequest) - Method in interface Collector
Like Collector.collect(Predicate), but with support for multi-target pattern.
collect(Predicate<String>, PrometheusScrapeRequest) - Method in interface MultiCollector
Like MultiCollector.collect(Predicate), but with support for multi-target pattern.
Collector - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.model.registry
To be registered with the Prometheus collector registry.
collectorRegistry(CollectorRegistry) - Method in class SimpleclientCollector.Builder
compareTo(ClassicHistogramBucket) - Method in class ClassicHistogramBucket
For sorting a list of buckets by upper bound.
compareTo(Label) - Method in class Label
compareTo(Labels) - Method in class Labels
connectionFactory(HttpConnectionFactory) - Method in class PushGateway.Builder
Custom connection factory.
constLabels(Labels) - Method in class MetricWithFixedMetadata.Builder
contains(String) - Method in class Labels
Test if these labels contain a specific label name.
containsMetricName(String) - Method in class MetricSnapshots.Builder
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class OpenMetricsTextFormatWriter
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class PrometheusProtobufWriter
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class PrometheusTextFormatWriter
convert(MetricSnapshot) - Method in class PrometheusProtobufWriter
count(long) - Method in class SummarySnapshot.SummaryDataPointSnapshot.Builder
Counter - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
Counter metric.
Counter.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
CounterDataPoint - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.core.datapoints
Represents a single counter data point, i.e.
CounterDataPointSnapshot(double, Labels, Exemplar, long) - Constructor for class CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot
To create a new CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot, you can either call the constructor directly or use the Builder with CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot.builder().
CounterDataPointSnapshot(double, Labels, Exemplar, long, long) - Constructor for class CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot
Constructor with an additional scrape timestamp.
CounterSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable snapshot of a Counter.
CounterSnapshot(MetricMetadata, Collection<CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot>) - Constructor for class CounterSnapshot
To create a new CounterSnapshot, you can either call the constructor directly or use the builder with CounterSnapshot.builder().
CounterSnapshot.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
CounterWithCallback - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
CounterWithCallback.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
CounterWithCallback.Callback - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
create(CounterSnapshot) - Method in class MetricDataFactory
create(GaugeSnapshot) - Method in class MetricDataFactory
create(HistogramSnapshot) - Method in class MetricDataFactory
create(InfoSnapshot) - Method in class MetricDataFactory
create(StateSetSnapshot) - Method in class MetricDataFactory
create(SummarySnapshot) - Method in class MetricDataFactory
create(UnknownSnapshot) - Method in class MetricDataFactory
create(URL) - Method in class DefaultHttpConnectionFactory
create(URL) - Method in interface HttpConnectionFactory
createdTimestampMillis(long) - Method in class CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot.Builder
createdTimestampMillis(long) - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot.Builder
current() - Method in class SlidingWindow
Get the currently active instance of T.
customLabelMapper(CustomLabelMapper) - Method in class DropwizardExports.Builder
CustomLabelMapper - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.dropwizard5.labels
A LabelMapper to allow Dropwizard metrics to be translated to Prometheus metrics including custom labels and names.
CustomLabelMapper(List<MapperConfig>) - Constructor for class CustomLabelMapper


dataPoint(CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot) - Method in class CounterSnapshot.Builder
Add a data point.
dataPoint(GaugeSnapshot.GaugeDataPointSnapshot) - Method in class GaugeSnapshot.Builder
Add a data point.
dataPoint(HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot) - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.Builder
Add a data point.
dataPoint(InfoSnapshot.InfoDataPointSnapshot) - Method in class InfoSnapshot.Builder
Add a data point.
dataPoint(StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot) - Method in class StateSetSnapshot.Builder
Add a data point.
dataPoint(SummarySnapshot.SummaryDataPointSnapshot) - Method in class SummarySnapshot.Builder
Add a data point.
dataPoint(UnknownSnapshot.UnknownDataPointSnapshot) - Method in class UnknownSnapshot.Builder
Add a data point.
DataPoint - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.core.datapoints
DataPointSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
DataPointSnapshot.Builder<T extends DataPointSnapshot.Builder<T>> - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
dec() - Method in interface GaugeDataPoint
Subtract one.
dec(double) - Method in interface GaugeDataPoint
Subtract amount.
decWithExemplar(double, Labels) - Method in interface GaugeDataPoint
Subtract amount, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
decWithExemplar(Labels) - Method in interface GaugeDataPoint
Subtract one, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
DEFAULT_CLASSIC_UPPER_BOUNDS - Static variable in class Histogram.Builder
DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_SECONDS - Static variable in class Summary.Builder
5 minutes.
DEFAULT_MAX_RETENTION_PERIOD_SECONDS - Static variable in class ExemplarSamplerConfig
DEFAULT_MIN_RETENTION_PERIOD_SECONDS - Static variable in class ExemplarSamplerConfig
DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_AGE_BUCKETS - Static variable in class Summary.Builder
defaultHandler(HttpHandler) - Method in class HTTPServer.Builder
Optional: Override default handler, i.e.
DefaultHandler - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.httpserver
Handler for the / endpoint
DefaultHandler() - Constructor for class DefaultHandler
DefaultHttpConnectionFactory - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.pushgateway
This can be used for creating Scheme.HTTP and Scheme.HTTPS connections.
DefaultHttpConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class DefaultHttpConnectionFactory
defaultRegistry - Static variable in class PrometheusRegistry
delete() - Method in class PushGateway
Deletes metrics from the Pushgateway.
DistributionDataPoint - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.core.datapoints
Represents a single data point of a histogram or a summary metric.
DistributionDataPointSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Common base class for histogram and summary data.
DropwizardExports - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.dropwizard5
Collect Dropwizard metrics from a MetricRegistry.
DropwizardExports(MetricRegistry) - Constructor for class DropwizardExports
Creates a new DropwizardExports and MetricFilter.ALL.
DropwizardExports(MetricRegistry, MetricFilter) - Constructor for class DropwizardExports
Creates a new DropwizardExports with a custom MetricFilter.
DropwizardExports(MetricRegistry, MetricFilter, CustomLabelMapper) - Constructor for class DropwizardExports
DropwizardExports.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.dropwizard5
dropwizardRegistry(MetricRegistry) - Method in class DropwizardExports.Builder
DuplicateLabelsException - Exception in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Thrown when a collector tries to create a MetricSnapshot where multiple data points have the same labels (same label names and label values).
DuplicateLabelsException(MetricMetadata, Labels) - Constructor for exception DuplicateLabelsException


EMPTY - Static variable in class ClassicHistogramBuckets
Used in native histograms to indicate that no classic histogram buckets are present.
EMPTY - Static variable in class Exemplars
EMPTY means no Exemplars.
EMPTY - Static variable in class Labels
EMPTY - Static variable in class NativeHistogramBuckets
EMPTY - Static variable in class Quantiles
endpoint(String) - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties.Builder
endpoint(String) - Method in class OpenTelemetryExporter.Builder
The OTLP endpoint to send metric data to.
equals(Object) - Method in class MapperConfig
equals(Object) - Method in class Labels
equals(Object) - Method in class Unit
excludedNames(String...) - Method in class ExporterFilterProperties.Builder
Excluded metric names will not be exposed.
excludedPrefixes(String...) - Method in class ExporterFilterProperties.Builder
Metrics with a name starting with an excluded prefix will not be exposed.
executorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class HTTPServer.Builder
Optional: ExecutorService used by the httpServer.
exemplar(Exemplar) - Method in class CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot.Builder
exemplar(Exemplar) - Method in class Exemplars.Builder
Add an exemplar.
exemplar(Exemplar) - Method in class GaugeSnapshot.GaugeDataPointSnapshot.Builder
exemplar(Exemplar) - Method in class UnknownSnapshot.UnknownDataPointSnapshot.Builder
Exemplar - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable representation of an Exemplar.
Exemplar(double, Labels, long) - Constructor for class Exemplar
To create a new Exemplar, you can either call the constructor directly or use the Builder with Exemplar.builder().
EXEMPLAR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface SpanContext
EXEMPLAR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE - Static variable in interface SpanContext
Exemplar.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
exemplars(Exemplars) - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot.Builder
exemplars(Collection<Exemplar>) - Method in class Exemplars.Builder
Add all exemplars form the collection.
Exemplars - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable container for Exemplars.
Exemplars.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
ExemplarSampler - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.exemplars
The ExemplarSampler selects Spans as exemplars.
ExemplarSampler(ExemplarSamplerConfig) - Constructor for class ExemplarSampler
ExemplarSampler(ExemplarSamplerConfig, SpanContext) - Constructor for class ExemplarSampler
Constructor with an additional {code spanContext} argument.
ExemplarSamplerConfig - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.exemplars
ExemplarSamplerConfig(ExemplarsProperties, double[]) - Constructor for class ExemplarSamplerConfig
Constructor for classic histogram metrics.
ExemplarSamplerConfig(ExemplarsProperties, int) - Constructor for class ExemplarSamplerConfig
Constructor for all metric types except classic histograms.
exemplarsEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class MetricsProperties.Builder
exemplarsOnAllMetricTypes(boolean) - Method in class ExporterProperties.Builder
ExemplarsProperties - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
Properties starting with io.prometheus.exemplars
ExemplarsProperties.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
ExponentialHistogramPointDataImpl - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry.otelmodel
ExporterFilterProperties - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
Properties starting with io.prometheus.exporter.filter
ExporterFilterProperties.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
ExporterHttpServerProperties - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
Properties starting with io.prometheus.exporter.httpServer
ExporterHttpServerProperties.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
ExporterProperties - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
Properties starting with io.prometheus.exporter
ExporterProperties.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
ExporterPushgatewayProperties - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
ExpositionFormats - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.expositionformats
ExpositionFormatWriter - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.expositionformats


findWriter(String) - Method in class ExpositionFormats
format(Format) - Method in class PushGateway.Builder
Format - Enum Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.pushgateway
fromString(String) - Static method in enum class Scheme


Gauge - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
Gauge metric.
Gauge.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
GaugeDataPoint - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.core.datapoints
Represents a single gauge data point, i.e.
GaugeDataPointSnapshot(double, Labels, Exemplar) - Constructor for class GaugeSnapshot.GaugeDataPointSnapshot
To create a new GaugeSnapshot.GaugeDataPointSnapshot, you can either call the constructor directly or use the Builder with GaugeSnapshot.GaugeDataPointSnapshot.builder().
GaugeDataPointSnapshot(double, Labels, Exemplar, long) - Constructor for class GaugeSnapshot.GaugeDataPointSnapshot
Constructor with an additional scrape timestamp.
gaugeHistogram(boolean) - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.Builder
true indicates that this histogram is a gauge histogram.
GaugeSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable snapshot of a Gauge.
GaugeSnapshot(MetricMetadata, Collection<GaugeSnapshot.GaugeDataPointSnapshot>) - Constructor for class GaugeSnapshot
To create a new GaugeSnapshot, you can either call the constructor directly or use the builder with GaugeSnapshot.builder().
GaugeSnapshot.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
GaugeSnapshot.GaugeDataPointSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
GaugeSnapshot.GaugeDataPointSnapshot.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
GaugeWithCallback - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
GaugeWithCallback.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
GaugeWithCallback.Callback - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
get() - Static method in class PrometheusProperties
Get the properties instance.
get() - Method in interface CounterDataPoint
Get the current value.
get() - Method in interface GaugeDataPoint
Get the current value.
get() - Method in class Counter
Get the current value.
get() - Method in class Gauge
Get the current value.
get(double, double) - Method in class Exemplars
This is used by classic histograms to find an exemplar with a value between lowerBound and upperBound.
get(int) - Method in class Exemplars
get(int) - Method in class MetricSnapshots
get(int) - Method in class Quantiles
get(String) - Method in class Labels
Get the label value for a given label name.
get(String, String, String, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class ResourceAttributes
getAddress() - Method in class ExporterPushgatewayProperties
Address of the Pushgateway in the form host:port.
getAggregationTemporality() - Method in class PrometheusInfo
getAggregationTemporality() - Method in class PrometheusStateSet
getAllowedMetricNamePrefixes() - Method in class ExporterFilterProperties
getAllowedMetricNames() - Method in class ExporterFilterProperties
getAttributes() - Method in class SummaryPointDataImpl
getBoundaries() - Method in class HistogramPointDataImpl
getBucketIndex() - Method in class NativeHistogramBucket
See NativeHistogramBuckets for info on native bucket indexes.
getBucketIndex(int) - Method in class NativeHistogramBuckets
getClassicBuckets() - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot
getContentType() - Method in interface ExpositionFormatWriter
getContentType() - Method in class OpenMetricsTextFormatWriter
getContentType() - Method in class PrometheusProtobufWriter
getContentType() - Method in class PrometheusTextFormatWriter
getCount() - Method in class ExponentialHistogramPointDataImpl
getCount() - Method in class HistogramPointDataImpl
getCount() - Method in class SummaryPointDataImpl
getCount() - Method in class ClassicHistogramBucket
getCount() - Method in class DistributionDataPointSnapshot
This will return garbage if DistributionDataPointSnapshot.hasCount() is false.
getCount() - Method in class NativeHistogramBucket
getCount(int) - Method in class ClassicHistogramBuckets
The count is not cumulative.
getCount(int) - Method in class NativeHistogramBuckets
getCounts() - Method in class HistogramPointDataImpl
getCreatedTimestampMillis() - Method in class DataPointSnapshot
This will only return a reasonable value if DataPointSnapshot.hasCreatedTimestamp() is true.
getCurrentSpanId() - Method in interface SpanContext
getCurrentSpanId() - Method in class OpenTelemetryAgentSpanContext
getCurrentSpanId() - Method in class OpenTelemetrySpanContext
getCurrentTraceId() - Method in interface SpanContext
getCurrentTraceId() - Method in class OpenTelemetryAgentSpanContext
getCurrentTraceId() - Method in class OpenTelemetrySpanContext
getDataPoints() - Method in class CounterSnapshot
getDataPoints() - Method in class GaugeSnapshot
getDataPoints() - Method in class HistogramSnapshot
getDataPoints() - Method in class InfoSnapshot
getDataPoints() - Method in class MetricSnapshot
getDataPoints() - Method in class StateSetSnapshot
getDataPoints() - Method in class SummarySnapshot
getDataPoints() - Method in class UnknownSnapshot
getDefaultMetricProperties() - Method in class PrometheusProperties
The default metric properties apply for metrics where PrometheusProperties.getMetricProperties(String) is null.
getDefaultProperties() - Method in class Histogram.Builder
Default properties for histogram metrics.
getDefaultProperties() - Method in class StateSet.Builder
Override if there are more properties than just exemplars enabled.
getDefaultProperties() - Method in class Summary.Builder
Default properties for summary metrics.
getEndpoint() - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties
getEpochNanos() - Method in class SummaryPointDataImpl
getExcludedMetricNamePrefixes() - Method in class ExporterFilterProperties
getExcludedMetricNames() - Method in class ExporterFilterProperties
getExemplar() - Method in class CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot
May be null.
getExemplar() - Method in class GaugeSnapshot.GaugeDataPointSnapshot
May be null.
getExemplar() - Method in class UnknownSnapshot.UnknownDataPointSnapshot
May return null.
getExemplarProperties() - Method in class PrometheusProperties
getExemplars() - Method in class SummaryPointDataImpl
getExemplars() - Method in class DistributionDataPointSnapshot
May be Exemplars.EMPTY, but will never be null.
getExemplarsEnabled() - Method in class MetricsProperties
This is the only configuration property that can be applied to all metric types.
getExemplarsOnAllMetricTypes() - Method in class ExporterProperties
Allow Exemplars on all metric types in OpenMetrics format? Default is false, which means Exemplars will only be added for Counters and Histogram buckets.
getExporterFilterProperties() - Method in class PrometheusProperties
getExporterHttpServerProperties() - Method in class PrometheusProperties
getExporterOpenTelemetryProperties() - Method in class PrometheusProperties
getExporterProperties() - Method in class PrometheusProperties
getExporterPushgatewayProperties() - Method in class PrometheusProperties
getHeader(String) - Method in interface PrometheusHttpRequest
See jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.getHeader(String)
getHeaders() - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties
getHeaders(String) - Method in interface PrometheusHttpRequest
See jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.getHeaders(String)
getHeaders(String) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.HttpRequest
getHeaders(String) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.Request
getHeaders(String) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.Request
getHelp() - Method in class MetricMetadata
getHistogramClassicOnly() - Method in class MetricsProperties
See Histogram.Builder.classicOnly()
getHistogramClassicUpperBounds() - Method in class MetricsProperties
See Histogram.Builder.classicBuckets()
getHistogramClassicUpperBounds() - Method in class ExemplarSamplerConfig
May be null.
getHistogramNativeInitialSchema() - Method in class MetricsProperties
See Histogram.Builder.nativeInitialSchema()
getHistogramNativeMaxNumberOfBuckets() - Method in class MetricsProperties
See Histogram.Builder.nativeMaxNumberOfBuckets()
getHistogramNativeMaxZeroThreshold() - Method in class MetricsProperties
See Histogram.Builder.nativeMaxZeroThreshold()
getHistogramNativeMinZeroThreshold() - Method in class MetricsProperties
See Histogram.Builder.nativeMinZeroThreshold()
getHistogramNativeOnly() - Method in class MetricsProperties
See Histogram.Builder.nativeOnly()
getHistogramNativeResetDurationSeconds() - Method in class MetricsProperties
See Histogram.Builder.nativeResetDuration()
getIncludeCreatedTimestamps() - Method in class ExporterProperties
Include the _created timestamps in text format? Default is false.
getIntervalSeconds() - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties
getJob() - Method in class ExporterPushgatewayProperties
job label for metrics being pushed.
getLabels() - Method in class MapperConfig
getLabels() - Method in class DataPointSnapshot
getLabels() - Method in exception DuplicateLabelsException
getLabels() - Method in class Exemplar
In most cases labels will contain Exemplar.TRACE_ID and Exemplar.SPAN_ID, but this is not required.
getLabels(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class CustomLabelMapper
getLatest() - Method in class Exemplars
Find the Exemplar with the newest timestamp.
getLongValue() - Method in interface CounterDataPoint
Get the current value as a long.
getLongValue() - Method in class Counter
Get the current value as a long.
getMatch() - Method in class MapperConfig
getMax() - Method in class ExponentialHistogramPointDataImpl
getMax() - Method in class HistogramPointDataImpl
getMaxRetentionPeriodMillis() - Method in class ExemplarSamplerConfig
getMaxRetentionPeriodSeconds() - Method in class ExemplarsProperties
Maximum time how long Exemplars are kept before they are evicted.
getMetadata() - Method in exception DuplicateLabelsException
getMetadata() - Method in class MetricSnapshot
getMethod() - Method in interface PrometheusHttpRequest
See jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.getMethod()
getMethod() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.HttpRequest
getMethod() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.Request
getMethod() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.Request
getMetricProperties(String) - Method in class PrometheusProperties
Properties specific for one metric.
getMin() - Method in class ExponentialHistogramPointDataImpl
getMin() - Method in class HistogramPointDataImpl
getMinRetentionPeriodMillis() - Method in class ExemplarSamplerConfig
getMinRetentionPeriodSeconds() - Method in class ExemplarsProperties
Minimum time how long Exemplars are kept before they may be replaced by new Exemplars.
getName() - Method in class MapperConfig
getName() - Method in class Label
getName() - Method in class MetricMetadata
The name does not include the _total suffix for counter metrics or the _info suffix for Info metrics.
getName() - Method in class StateSetSnapshot.State
getName(int) - Method in class Labels
getName(int) - Method in class StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot
getName(String) - Method in class CustomLabelMapper
getNativeBucketsForNegativeValues() - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot
getNativeBucketsForPositiveValues() - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot
getNativeSchema() - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot
The schema defines the scale of the native histogram, i.g.
getNativeZeroCount() - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot
Number of observed zero values.
getNativeZeroThreshold() - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot
All observations in [-nativeZeroThreshold; +nativeZeroThreshold] are treated as zero.
getNegativeBuckets() - Method in class ExponentialHistogramPointDataImpl
getNumberOfExemplars() - Method in class ExemplarSamplerConfig
Defaults: Counters have one Exemplar, native histograms and summaries have 4 Exemplars, classic histograms have one Exemplar per bucket.
getOpenMetricsTextFormatWriter() - Method in class ExpositionFormats
getParameter(String) - Method in interface PrometheusHttpRequest
See jakarta.servlet.ServletRequest.getParameter(String)
getParameterValues(String) - Method in interface PrometheusHttpRequest
See jakarta.servlet.ServletRequest.getParameterValues(String)
getParameterValues(String) - Method in interface PrometheusScrapeRequest
See jakarta.servlet.ServletRequest.getParameterValues(String name)
getPoints() - Method in class PrometheusInfo
getPoints() - Method in class PrometheusStateSet
getPort() - Method in class ExporterHttpServerProperties
getPort() - Method in class HTTPServer
Gets the port number.
getPositiveBuckets() - Method in class ExponentialHistogramPointDataImpl
getPrometheusName() - Method in class MetricWithFixedMetadata
getPrometheusName() - Method in interface Collector
This is called in two places: During registration to check if a metric with that name already exists. During scrape to check if this collector can be skipped because a name filter is present and the metric name is excluded. Returning null means checks are omitted (registration the metric always succeeds), and the collector is always scraped (the result is dropped after scraping if a name filter is present and the metric name is excluded).
getPrometheusName() - Method in class MetricMetadata
Same as MetricMetadata.getName() but with dots replaced by underscores.
getPrometheusName(int) - Method in class Labels
Like Labels.getName(int), but dots are replaced with underscores.
getPrometheusNames() - Method in interface MultiCollector
This is called in two places: During registration to check if a metric with that name already exists. During scrape to check if the collector can be skipped because a name filter is present and all names are excluded. Returning an empty list means checks are omitted (registration metric always succeeds), and the collector is always scraped (if a name filter is present and all names are excluded the result is dropped).
getPrometheusProtobufWriter() - Method in class ExpositionFormats
getPrometheusTextFormatWriter() - Method in class ExpositionFormats
getProtocol() - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties
getQuantile() - Method in class ValueAtQuantileImpl
getQuantile() - Method in class Quantile
getQuantiles() - Method in class SummarySnapshot.SummaryDataPointSnapshot
getQueryString() - Method in interface PrometheusHttpRequest
See jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.getQueryString()
getQueryString() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.HttpRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.Request
getQueryString() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.Request
getRequest() - Method in interface PrometheusHttpExchange
getRequest() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
getRequest() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
getRequest() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
Returns the adapted HttpServletRequest.
getRequestPath() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.HttpRequest
getRequestPath() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.Request
getRequestPath() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.Request
getRequestPath() - Method in interface PrometheusScrapeRequest
Absolute path of the HTTP request.
getResourceAttributes() - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties
getResponse() - Method in interface PrometheusHttpExchange
getResponse() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
getResponse() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
getResponse() - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
Returns the adapted HttpServletResponse.
getSampleIntervalMillis() - Method in class ExemplarSamplerConfig
getSampleIntervalMilliseconds() - Method in class ExemplarsProperties
Time between attempts to sample new Exemplars.
getScale() - Method in class ExponentialHistogramPointDataImpl
getScheme() - Method in class ExporterPushgatewayProperties
Scheme to be used when pushing metrics to the pushgateway.
getScrapeTimestampMillis() - Method in class DataPointSnapshot
This will only return a reasonable value if DataPointSnapshot.hasScrapeTimestamp() is true.
getServiceInstanceId() - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties
getServiceName() - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties
getServiceNamespace() - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties
getServiceVersion() - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties
getSpanContext() - Static method in class SpanContextSupplier
getStartEpochNanos() - Method in class SummaryPointDataImpl
getSum() - Method in class ExponentialHistogramPointDataImpl
getSum() - Method in class HistogramPointDataImpl
getSum() - Method in class SummaryPointDataImpl
getSum() - Method in class DistributionDataPointSnapshot
This will return garbage if DistributionDataPointSnapshot.hasSum() is false.
getSummaryMaxAgeSeconds() - Method in class MetricsProperties
See Summary.Builder.maxAgeSeconds()
getSummaryNumberOfAgeBuckets() - Method in class MetricsProperties
See Summary.Builder.numberOfAgeBuckets()
getSummaryQuantileErrors() - Method in class MetricsProperties
See Summary.Builder.quantile()
getSummaryQuantiles() - Method in class MetricsProperties
See Summary.Builder.quantile()
getTimeoutSeconds() - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties
getTimestampMillis() - Method in class Exemplar
Will return garbage if Exemplar.hasTimestamp() is false.
getType() - Method in class PrometheusStateSet
getUnit() - Method in class MetricMetadata
getUpperBound() - Method in class ClassicHistogramBucket
getUpperBound(int) - Method in class ClassicHistogramBuckets
getValue() - Method in class ValueAtQuantileImpl
getValue() - Method in class CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot
getValue() - Method in class Exemplar
getValue() - Method in class GaugeSnapshot.GaugeDataPointSnapshot
getValue() - Method in class Label
getValue() - Method in class Quantile
getValue() - Method in class UnknownSnapshot.UnknownDataPointSnapshot
getValue(int) - Method in class Labels
getValues() - Method in class SummaryPointDataImpl
getZeroCount() - Method in class ExponentialHistogramPointDataImpl
GRAMS - Static variable in class Unit
groupingKey(String, String) - Method in class PushGateway.Builder
Grouping keys to be used when pushing/deleting metrics.


handle(HttpExchange) - Method in class DefaultHandler
handle(HttpExchange) - Method in class HealthyHandler
handle(HttpExchange) - Method in class MetricsHandler
handleException(IOException) - Method in interface PrometheusHttpExchange
handleException(IOException) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
handleException(IOException) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
handleException(IOException) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
handleException(RuntimeException) - Method in interface PrometheusHttpExchange
handleException(RuntimeException) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
handleException(RuntimeException) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
handleException(RuntimeException) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter
handleRequest(PrometheusHttpExchange) - Method in class PrometheusScrapeHandler
hasClassicHistogramData() - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot
hasCount() - Method in class DistributionDataPointSnapshot
hasCreatedTimestamp() - Method in class DataPointSnapshot
hashCode() - Method in class MapperConfig
hashCode() - Method in class Labels
hashCode() - Method in class Unit
hasMax() - Method in class ExponentialHistogramPointDataImpl
hasMax() - Method in class HistogramPointDataImpl
hasMin() - Method in class ExponentialHistogramPointDataImpl
hasMin() - Method in class HistogramPointDataImpl
hasNativeHistogramData() - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot
hasSameNames(Labels) - Method in class Labels
hasSameValues(Labels) - Method in class Labels
hasScrapeTimestamp() - Method in class DataPointSnapshot
hasSpanContext() - Static method in class SpanContextSupplier
hasSum() - Method in class DistributionDataPointSnapshot
hasTimestamp() - Method in class Exemplar
hasUnit() - Method in class MetricMetadata
header(String, String) - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties.Builder
Add a request header.
header(String, String) - Method in class OpenTelemetryExporter.Builder
Add an HTTP header to be applied to outgoing requests.
HealthyHandler - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.httpserver
Handler for the /-/healthy endpoint
HealthyHandler() - Constructor for class HealthyHandler
help(String) - Method in class MetricWithFixedMetadata.Builder
help(String) - Method in class MetricSnapshot.Builder
Histogram - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
Histogram metric.
Histogram.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
Histogram.DataPoint - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
histogramClassicOnly(Boolean) - Method in class MetricsProperties.Builder
histogramClassicUpperBounds(double...) - Method in class MetricsProperties.Builder
HistogramDataPointSnapshot(int, long, double, NativeHistogramBuckets, NativeHistogramBuckets, double, Labels, Exemplars, long) - Constructor for class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot
Constructor for native histograms (as opposed to classic histograms).
HistogramDataPointSnapshot(ClassicHistogramBuckets, double, Labels, Exemplars, long) - Constructor for class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot
Constructor for classic histograms (as opposed to native histograms).
HistogramDataPointSnapshot(ClassicHistogramBuckets, int, long, double, NativeHistogramBuckets, NativeHistogramBuckets, double, Labels, Exemplars, long) - Constructor for class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot
Constructor for a histogram with both, classic and native data.
HistogramDataPointSnapshot(ClassicHistogramBuckets, int, long, double, NativeHistogramBuckets, NativeHistogramBuckets, double, Labels, Exemplars, long, long) - Constructor for class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot
Constructor with an additional scrape timestamp.
histogramNativeInitialSchema(Integer) - Method in class MetricsProperties.Builder
histogramNativeMaxNumberOfBuckets(Integer) - Method in class MetricsProperties.Builder
histogramNativeMaxZeroThreshold(Double) - Method in class MetricsProperties.Builder
histogramNativeMinZeroThreshold(Double) - Method in class MetricsProperties.Builder
histogramNativeOnly(Boolean) - Method in class MetricsProperties.Builder
histogramNativeResetDurationSeconds(Long) - Method in class MetricsProperties.Builder
HistogramPointDataImpl - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry.otelmodel
HistogramPointDataImpl(double, long, double, double, List<Double>, List<Long>, long, long, Attributes, List<DoubleExemplarData>) - Constructor for class HistogramPointDataImpl
HistogramSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable snapshot of a Histogram.
HistogramSnapshot(boolean, MetricMetadata, Collection<HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot>) - Constructor for class HistogramSnapshot
Use this with the first parameter true to create a snapshot of a Gauge Histogram.
HistogramSnapshot(MetricMetadata, Collection<HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot>) - Constructor for class HistogramSnapshot
To create a new HistogramSnapshot, you can either call the constructor directly or use the builder with HistogramSnapshot.builder().
HistogramSnapshot.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
hostname(String) - Method in class HTTPServer.Builder
Use this hostname to resolve the IP address to bind to.
HTTP - Enum constant in enum class Scheme
HttpConnectionFactory - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.pushgateway
HttpExchangeAdapter - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.httpserver
HttpExchangeAdapter - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.servlet.jakarta
HttpExchangeAdapter - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.servlet.javax
This class is an adapter for HTTP exchanges, implementing the PrometheusHttpExchange interface.
HttpExchangeAdapter(HttpExchange) - Constructor for class HttpExchangeAdapter
HttpExchangeAdapter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class HttpExchangeAdapter
HttpExchangeAdapter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class HttpExchangeAdapter
Constructs a new HttpExchangeAdapter with the given HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse.
HttpExchangeAdapter.HttpRequest - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.httpserver
HttpExchangeAdapter.HttpResponse - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.httpserver
HttpExchangeAdapter.Request - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.servlet.jakarta
HttpExchangeAdapter.Request - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.servlet.javax
This inner class adapts a HttpServletRequest to a PrometheusHttpRequest.
HttpExchangeAdapter.Response - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.servlet.jakarta
HttpExchangeAdapter.Response - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.servlet.javax
This inner class adapts a HttpServletResponse to a PrometheusHttpResponse.
HttpRequest() - Constructor for class HttpExchangeAdapter.HttpRequest
HttpResponse() - Constructor for class HttpExchangeAdapter.HttpResponse
HTTPS - Enum constant in enum class Scheme
httpsConfigurator(HttpsConfigurator) - Method in class HTTPServer.Builder
Optional: HttpsConfigurator for TLS/SSL
HTTPServer - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.httpserver
Expose Prometheus metrics using a plain Java HttpServer.
HTTPServer.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.httpserver


inc() - Method in interface CounterDataPoint
Add one.
inc() - Method in interface GaugeDataPoint
Add one.
inc(double) - Method in interface CounterDataPoint
Add amount.
inc(double) - Method in interface GaugeDataPoint
Add amount.
inc(double) - Method in class Counter
Add amount.
inc(double) - Method in class Gauge
Add amount.
inc(long) - Method in interface CounterDataPoint
Add amount.
inc(long) - Method in class Counter
Add amount.
includeCreatedTimestamps(boolean) - Method in class ExporterProperties.Builder
incWithExemplar(double, Labels) - Method in interface CounterDataPoint
Add amount, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
incWithExemplar(double, Labels) - Method in interface GaugeDataPoint
Add amount, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
incWithExemplar(double, Labels) - Method in class Counter
Add amount, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
incWithExemplar(double, Labels) - Method in class Gauge
Add amount, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
incWithExemplar(long, Labels) - Method in interface CounterDataPoint
Add amount, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
incWithExemplar(long, Labels) - Method in class Counter
Add amount, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
incWithExemplar(Labels) - Method in interface CounterDataPoint
Add one, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
incWithExemplar(Labels) - Method in interface GaugeDataPoint
Add one, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
inetAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class HTTPServer.Builder
Bind to this IP address.
Info - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
Info metric.
Info.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
InfoDataPointSnapshot(Labels) - Constructor for class InfoSnapshot.InfoDataPointSnapshot
To create a new InfoSnapshot.InfoDataPointSnapshot, you can either call the constructor directly or use the Builder with InfoSnapshot.InfoDataPointSnapshot.builder().
InfoDataPointSnapshot(Labels, long) - Constructor for class InfoSnapshot.InfoDataPointSnapshot
Constructor with an additional scrape timestamp.
InfoSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable snapshot of an Info metric.
InfoSnapshot(MetricMetadata, Collection<InfoSnapshot.InfoDataPointSnapshot>) - Constructor for class InfoSnapshot
To create a new InfoSnapshot, you can either call the constructor directly or use the builder with InfoSnapshot.builder().
InfoSnapshot.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
InfoSnapshot.InfoDataPointSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
InfoSnapshot.InfoDataPointSnapshot.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
init() - Static method in class ExpositionFormats
init(ExporterProperties) - Static method in class ExpositionFormats
initLabelValues(String...) - Method in class Summary
Initialize label values.
instanceIpGroupingKey() - Method in class PushGateway.Builder
Convenience method for adding the current IP address as an "instance" label.
intervalSeconds(int) - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties.Builder
intervalSeconds(int) - Method in class OpenTelemetryExporter.Builder
The interval between the start of two export attempts.
io.prometheus.metrics.config - package io.prometheus.metrics.config
io.prometheus.metrics.core.datapoints - package io.prometheus.metrics.core.datapoints
io.prometheus.metrics.core.exemplars - package io.prometheus.metrics.core.exemplars
io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics - package io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
io.prometheus.metrics.core.util - package io.prometheus.metrics.core.util
io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.common - package io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.common
io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.httpserver - package io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.httpserver
io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry - package io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry
io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry.otelmodel - package io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry.otelmodel
io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.pushgateway - package io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.pushgateway
io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.servlet.jakarta - package io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.servlet.jakarta
io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.servlet.javax - package io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.servlet.javax
io.prometheus.metrics.expositionformats - package io.prometheus.metrics.expositionformats
io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.dropwizard5 - package io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.dropwizard5
io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.dropwizard5.labels - package io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.dropwizard5.labels
io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm - package io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
io.prometheus.metrics.model.registry - package io.prometheus.metrics.model.registry
io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots - package io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
io.prometheus.metrics.simpleclient.bridge - package io.prometheus.metrics.simpleclient.bridge
io.prometheus.metrics.tracer.common - package io.prometheus.metrics.tracer.common
io.prometheus.metrics.tracer.initializer - package io.prometheus.metrics.tracer.initializer
io.prometheus.metrics.tracer.otel - package io.prometheus.metrics.tracer.otel
io.prometheus.metrics.tracer.otel_agent - package io.prometheus.metrics.tracer.otel_agent
isAvailable() - Static method in class OpenTelemetryAgentSpanContext
isAvailable() - Static method in class OpenTelemetrySpanContext
isCurrentSpanSampled() - Method in interface SpanContext
isCurrentSpanSampled() - Method in class OpenTelemetryAgentSpanContext
isCurrentSpanSampled() - Method in class OpenTelemetrySpanContext
isEmpty() - Method in class ClassicHistogramBuckets
isEmpty() - Method in class Labels
isGaugeHistogram() - Method in class HistogramSnapshot
isMonotonic() - Method in class PrometheusInfo
isMonotonic() - Method in class PrometheusStateSet
isTrue() - Method in class StateSetSnapshot.State
isTrue(int) - Method in class StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot
isValidLabelName(String) - Static method in class PrometheusNaming
isValidMetricName(String) - Static method in class PrometheusNaming
Test if a metric name is valid.
iterator() - Method in class ClassicHistogramBuckets
iterator() - Method in class Exemplars
iterator() - Method in class Labels
iterator() - Method in class MetricSnapshots
iterator() - Method in class NativeHistogramBuckets
iterator() - Method in class Quantiles
iterator() - Method in class StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot


job(String) - Method in class PushGateway.Builder
The job label to be used when pushing metrics.
JOULES - Static variable in class Unit
JvmBufferPoolMetrics - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JVM Buffer Pool metrics.
JvmBufferPoolMetrics.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JvmClassLoadingMetrics - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JVM Class Loading metrics.
JvmClassLoadingMetrics.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JvmCompilationMetrics - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JVM Compilation metrics.
JvmCompilationMetrics.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JvmGarbageCollectorMetrics - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JVM Garbage Collector metrics.
JvmGarbageCollectorMetrics.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JvmMemoryMetrics - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JVM memory metrics.
JvmMemoryMetrics.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JvmMemoryPoolAllocationMetrics - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JVM memory allocation metrics.
JvmMemoryPoolAllocationMetrics.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JvmMetrics - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
Registers all JVM metrics.
JvmMetrics() - Constructor for class JvmMetrics
JvmMetrics.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JvmNativeMemoryMetrics - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JVM native memory.
JvmNativeMemoryMetrics.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JvmRuntimeInfoMetric - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JVM Runtime Info metric.
JvmRuntimeInfoMetric.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JvmThreadsMetrics - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
JVM Thread metrics.
JvmThreadsMetrics.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm


kiloBytesToBytes(double) - Static method in class Unit


label(String, String) - Method in class Labels.Builder
Add a label.
Label - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Utility for iterating over Labels.
Label(String, String) - Constructor for class Label
labelNames(String...) - Method in class MetricWithFixedMetadata.Builder
labels(Labels) - Method in class DataPointSnapshot.Builder
labels(Labels) - Method in class Exemplar.Builder
Labels - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable set of name/value pairs, sorted by name.
Labels.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
labelValues(String...) - Method in class Summary
load() - Static method in class PrometheusPropertiesLoader
load(Map<Object, Object>) - Static method in class PrometheusPropertiesLoader


MapperConfig - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.dropwizard5.labels
POJO containing info on how to map a graphite metric to a prometheus one.
MapperConfig() - Constructor for class MapperConfig
MapperConfig(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class MapperConfig
markCurrentSpanAsExemplar() - Method in interface SpanContext
markCurrentSpanAsExemplar() - Method in class OpenTelemetryAgentSpanContext
markCurrentSpanAsExemplar() - Method in class OpenTelemetrySpanContext
maxAgeSeconds(long) - Method in class Summary.Builder
The quantiles are relative to a moving time window.
maxRetentionPeriodSeconds(int) - Method in class ExemplarsProperties.Builder
merge(Labels) - Method in class Labels
Create a new Labels instance containing the labels of this and the labels of other.
merge(String[], String[]) - Method in class Labels
Create a new Labels instance containing the labels of this and the labels passed as names and values.
METERS - Static variable in class Unit
Metric - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
Common base class for all metrics.
METRIC_NAME_MUST_BE_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class ExporterFilterProperties
METRIC_NAME_MUST_NOT_BE_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in class ExporterFilterProperties
METRIC_NAME_MUST_NOT_START_WITH - Static variable in class ExporterFilterProperties
METRIC_NAME_MUST_START_WITH - Static variable in class ExporterFilterProperties
MetricDataFactory - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry.otelmodel
MetricDataFactory(Resource, InstrumentationScopeInfo, long) - Constructor for class MetricDataFactory
metricFilter(MetricFilter) - Method in class DropwizardExports.Builder
MetricMetadata - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable container for metric metadata: name, help, unit.
MetricMetadata(String) - Constructor for class MetricMetadata
MetricMetadata(String, String) - Constructor for class MetricMetadata
MetricMetadata(String, String, Unit) - Constructor for class MetricMetadata
MetricNameFilter - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.registry
Filter samples (i.e.
MetricNameFilter.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.registry
MetricsHandler - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.httpserver
Handler for the /metrics endpoint
MetricsHandler() - Constructor for class MetricsHandler
MetricsHandler(PrometheusProperties) - Constructor for class MetricsHandler
MetricsHandler(PrometheusProperties, PrometheusRegistry) - Constructor for class MetricsHandler
MetricsHandler(PrometheusRegistry) - Constructor for class MetricsHandler
metricSnapshot(MetricSnapshot) - Method in class MetricSnapshots.Builder
Add a metric snapshot.
MetricSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Base class for metric snapshots.
MetricSnapshot.Builder<T extends MetricSnapshot.Builder<T>> - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
MetricSnapshots - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable list of metric snapshots.
MetricSnapshots(MetricSnapshot...) - Constructor for class MetricSnapshots
MetricSnapshots(Collection<MetricSnapshot>) - Constructor for class MetricSnapshots
To create MetricSnapshots, you can either call the constructor directly or use MetricSnapshots.builder().
MetricSnapshots.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
MetricsProperties - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
Properties starting with io.prometheus.metrics
MetricsProperties(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, List<Double>, Integer, Double, Double, Integer, Long, List<Double>, List<Double>, Long, Integer) - Constructor for class MetricsProperties
MetricsProperties.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
MetricWithFixedMetadata - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
Almost all metrics have fixed metadata, i.e.
MetricWithFixedMetadata.Builder<B extends MetricWithFixedMetadata.Builder<B,M>,M extends MetricWithFixedMetadata> - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
millisToSeconds(long) - Static method in class Unit
minRetentionPeriodSeconds(int) - Method in class ExemplarsProperties.Builder
MultiCollector - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.model.registry
Like Collector, but collecting multiple Snapshots at once.


name(String) - Method in class Counter.Builder
The _total suffix will automatically be appended if it's missing.
name(String) - Method in class CounterWithCallback.Builder
The _total suffix will automatically be appended if it's missing.
name(String) - Method in class Info.Builder
The _info suffix will automatically be appended if it's missing.
name(String) - Method in class MetricWithFixedMetadata.Builder
name(String) - Method in class MetricSnapshot.Builder
The name is required.
nameMustBeEqualTo(String...) - Method in class MetricNameFilter.Builder
nameMustBeEqualTo(Collection<String>) - Method in class MetricNameFilter.Builder
Only samples with one of the names will be included.
nameMustNotBeEqualTo(String...) - Method in class MetricNameFilter.Builder
nameMustNotBeEqualTo(Collection<String>) - Method in class MetricNameFilter.Builder
All samples that are not in names will be excluded.
nameMustNotStartWith(String...) - Method in class MetricNameFilter.Builder
nameMustNotStartWith(Collection<String>) - Method in class MetricNameFilter.Builder
Samples with names starting with one of the prefixes will be excluded.
nameMustStartWith(String...) - Method in class MetricNameFilter.Builder
nameMustStartWith(Collection<String>) - Method in class MetricNameFilter.Builder
Only samples whose name starts with one of the prefixes will be included.
nanosToSeconds(long) - Static method in class Unit
nativeBucketsForNegativeValues(NativeHistogramBuckets) - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot.Builder
nativeBucketsForPositiveValues(NativeHistogramBuckets) - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot.Builder
NativeHistogramBucket - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
For iterating over NativeHistogramBuckets.
NativeHistogramBucket(int, long) - Constructor for class NativeHistogramBucket
NativeHistogramBuckets - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable representation of native histogram buckets.
NativeHistogramBuckets.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
nativeInitialSchema(int) - Method in class Histogram.Builder
The schema is a number in [-4, 8] defining the resolution of the native histogram.
nativeMaxNumberOfBuckets(int) - Method in class Histogram.Builder
Limit the number of native buckets.
nativeMaxZeroThreshold(double) - Method in class Histogram.Builder
Native histogram buckets get smaller and smaller the closer they get to zero.
nativeMinZeroThreshold(double) - Method in class Histogram.Builder
Native histogram buckets get smaller and smaller the closer they get to zero.
nativeOnly() - Method in class Histogram.Builder
Use the native histogram representation only, i.e.
nativeResetDuration(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class Histogram.Builder
If the histogram needed to be scaled down because Histogram.Builder.nativeMaxNumberOfBuckets(int) was exceeded, reset the histogram after a certain time interval to go back to the original Histogram.Builder.nativeInitialSchema(int).
nativeSchema(int) - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot.Builder
nativeZeroCount(long) - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot.Builder
nativeZeroThreshold(double) - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot.Builder
numberOfAgeBuckets(int) - Method in class Summary.Builder
The quantiles are relative to a moving time window.


observe(double) - Method in interface DistributionDataPoint
Observe value.
observe(double) - Method in class ExemplarSampler
observe(double) - Method in class Histogram.DataPoint
Observe value.
observe(double) - Method in class Histogram
Observe value.
observe(double) - Method in class SlidingWindow
Observe a value.
observe(double) - Method in class Summary.DataPoint
Observe value.
observe(double) - Method in class Summary
Observe value.
observeDuration() - Method in class Timer
Records the observed duration in seconds since this Timer instance was created.
observeWithExemplar(double, Labels) - Method in interface DistributionDataPoint
Observe value, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
observeWithExemplar(double, Labels) - Method in class ExemplarSampler
observeWithExemplar(double, Labels) - Method in class Histogram.DataPoint
Observe value, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
observeWithExemplar(double, Labels) - Method in class Histogram
Observe value, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
observeWithExemplar(double, Labels) - Method in class Summary.DataPoint
Observe value, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
observeWithExemplar(double, Labels) - Method in class Summary
Observe value, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
of(double[], long[]) - Static method in class ClassicHistogramBuckets
To create new ClassicHistogramBuckets, you can either use one of the static of(...) methods, or use ClassicHistogramBuckets.builder().
of(double[], Number[]) - Static method in class ClassicHistogramBuckets
To create new ClassicHistogramBuckets, you can either use one of the static of(...) methods, or use ClassicHistogramBuckets.builder().
of(int[], long[]) - Static method in class NativeHistogramBuckets
To create a new NativeHistogramBuckets instance, you can either use one of the static of(...) methods, or use NativeHistogramBuckets.builder().
of(Exemplar...) - Static method in class Exemplars
Create a new Exemplars instance.
of(MetricSnapshot...) - Static method in class MetricSnapshots
of(Quantile...) - Static method in class Quantiles
Create a new Quantiles instance.
of(String...) - Static method in class Labels
Create a new Labels instance.
of(String[], String[]) - Static method in class Labels
Create a new Labels instance.
of(Collection<Exemplar>) - Static method in class Exemplars
Create a new Exemplars instance.
of(List<Quantile>) - Static method in class Quantiles
Create a new Quantiles instance.
of(List<Double>, List<? extends Number>) - Static method in class ClassicHistogramBuckets
To create new ClassicHistogramBuckets, you can either use one of the static of(...) methods, or use ClassicHistogramBuckets.builder().
of(List<Integer>, List<Long>) - Static method in class NativeHistogramBuckets
To create a new NativeHistogramBuckets instance, you can either use one of the static of(...) methods, or use NativeHistogramBuckets.builder().
of(List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class Labels
Create a new Labels instance.
OpenMetricsTextFormatWriter - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.expositionformats
Write the OpenMetrics text format as defined on
OpenMetricsTextFormatWriter(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class OpenMetricsTextFormatWriter
OpenTelemetryAgentSpanContext - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.tracer.otel_agent
This is exactly the same as the OpenTelemetrySpanContextSupplier.
OpenTelemetryAgentSpanContext() - Constructor for class OpenTelemetryAgentSpanContext
OpenTelemetryExporter - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry
OpenTelemetryExporter.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry
OpenTelemetrySpanContext - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.tracer.otel
OpenTelemetrySpanContext() - Constructor for class OpenTelemetrySpanContext


port(int) - Method in class ExporterHttpServerProperties.Builder
port(int) - Method in class HTTPServer.Builder
Port to bind to.
ProcessMetrics - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
Process metrics.
ProcessMetrics.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.instrumentation.jvm
PROMETHEUS_PROTOBUF - Enum constant in enum class Format
PROMETHEUS_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class Format
PrometheusHttpExchange - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.common
PrometheusHttpRequest - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.common
PrometheusHttpResponse - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.common
PrometheusInfo - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry.otelmodel
PrometheusInfo(InfoSnapshot, long) - Constructor for class PrometheusInfo
PrometheusMetricsServlet - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.servlet.jakarta
Initial example exporter so that we can try the new metrics library out.
PrometheusMetricsServlet - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.servlet.javax
This class extends HttpServlet to create a servlet for exporting Prometheus metrics.
PrometheusMetricsServlet() - Constructor for class PrometheusMetricsServlet
PrometheusMetricsServlet() - Constructor for class PrometheusMetricsServlet
Default constructor.
PrometheusMetricsServlet(PrometheusProperties) - Constructor for class PrometheusMetricsServlet
PrometheusMetricsServlet(PrometheusProperties) - Constructor for class PrometheusMetricsServlet
Constructor with custom PrometheusProperties.
PrometheusMetricsServlet(PrometheusProperties, PrometheusRegistry) - Constructor for class PrometheusMetricsServlet
PrometheusMetricsServlet(PrometheusProperties, PrometheusRegistry) - Constructor for class PrometheusMetricsServlet
Constructor with custom PrometheusProperties and PrometheusRegistry.
PrometheusMetricsServlet(PrometheusRegistry) - Constructor for class PrometheusMetricsServlet
PrometheusMetricsServlet(PrometheusRegistry) - Constructor for class PrometheusMetricsServlet
Constructor with a custom PrometheusRegistry.
prometheusName(String) - Static method in class PrometheusNaming
Get the metric or label name that is used in Prometheus exposition format.
PrometheusNaming - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Utility for Prometheus Metric and Label naming.
PrometheusNaming() - Constructor for class PrometheusNaming
PrometheusProperties - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
The Prometheus Java client library can be configured at runtime (e.g.
PrometheusProperties(MetricsProperties, Map<String, MetricsProperties>, ExemplarsProperties, ExporterProperties, ExporterFilterProperties, ExporterHttpServerProperties, ExporterPushgatewayProperties, ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties) - Constructor for class PrometheusProperties
PrometheusPropertiesException - Exception in io.prometheus.metrics.config
PrometheusPropertiesException(String) - Constructor for exception PrometheusPropertiesException
PrometheusPropertiesException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception PrometheusPropertiesException
PrometheusPropertiesLoader - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.config
The Properties Loader is early stages.
PrometheusPropertiesLoader() - Constructor for class PrometheusPropertiesLoader
PrometheusProtobufWriter - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.expositionformats
Write the Prometheus protobuf format as defined in
PrometheusProtobufWriter() - Constructor for class PrometheusProtobufWriter
PrometheusRegistry - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.registry
PrometheusRegistry() - Constructor for class PrometheusRegistry
PrometheusScrapeHandler - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.common
Prometheus scrape endpoint.
PrometheusScrapeHandler() - Constructor for class PrometheusScrapeHandler
PrometheusScrapeHandler(PrometheusProperties) - Constructor for class PrometheusScrapeHandler
PrometheusScrapeHandler(PrometheusProperties, PrometheusRegistry) - Constructor for class PrometheusScrapeHandler
PrometheusScrapeHandler(PrometheusRegistry) - Constructor for class PrometheusScrapeHandler
PrometheusScrapeRequest - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.model.registry
Infos extracted from the request received by the endpoint
PrometheusStateSet - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry.otelmodel
PrometheusStateSet(StateSetSnapshot, long) - Constructor for class PrometheusStateSet
PrometheusTextFormatWriter - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.expositionformats
Write the Prometheus text format.
PrometheusTextFormatWriter(boolean) - Constructor for class PrometheusTextFormatWriter
ProtobufUtil - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.expositionformats
ProtobufUtil() - Constructor for class ProtobufUtil
protocol(String) - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties.Builder
protocol(String) - Method in class OpenTelemetryExporter.Builder
Specifies the OTLP transport protocol to be used when exporting metrics.
push() - Method in class PushGateway
Push all metrics.
push(Collector) - Method in class PushGateway
Push a single metric.
push(MultiCollector) - Method in class PushGateway
Push a single collector.
pushAdd() - Method in class PushGateway
Like PushGateway.push(), but only metrics with the same name as the newly pushed metrics are replaced.
pushAdd(Collector) - Method in class PushGateway
Like PushGateway.push(Collector), but only the specified metric will be replaced.
pushAdd(MultiCollector) - Method in class PushGateway
Like PushGateway.push(MultiCollector), but only the metrics from the collector will be replaced.
PushGateway - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.pushgateway
Export metrics via the Prometheus Pushgateway
PushGateway.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.pushgateway


quantile(double) - Method in class Summary.Builder
Add a quantile.
quantile(double, double) - Method in class Summary.Builder
Add a quantile.
quantile(double, double) - Method in class Quantiles.Builder
Add a quantile.
quantile(Quantile) - Method in class Quantiles.Builder
Add a quantile.
Quantile - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable representation of a Quantile.
Quantile(double, double) - Constructor for class Quantile
quantiles(Quantiles) - Method in class SummarySnapshot.SummaryDataPointSnapshot.Builder
Quantiles - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable list of quantiles.
Quantiles.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots


RATIO - Static variable in class Unit
register() - Method in class DropwizardExports.Builder
register() - Method in class JvmBufferPoolMetrics.Builder
register() - Method in class JvmClassLoadingMetrics.Builder
register() - Method in class JvmCompilationMetrics.Builder
register() - Method in class JvmGarbageCollectorMetrics.Builder
register() - Method in class JvmMemoryMetrics.Builder
register() - Method in class JvmMemoryPoolAllocationMetrics.Builder
register() - Method in class JvmMetrics.Builder
Register all JVM metrics with the default registry.
register() - Method in class JvmNativeMemoryMetrics.Builder
register() - Method in class JvmRuntimeInfoMetric.Builder
register() - Method in class JvmThreadsMetrics.Builder
register() - Method in class ProcessMetrics.Builder
register() - Method in class SimpleclientCollector.Builder
register(Collector) - Method in class PrometheusRegistry
register(MultiCollector) - Method in class PrometheusRegistry
register(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class DropwizardExports.Builder
register(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class JvmBufferPoolMetrics.Builder
register(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class JvmClassLoadingMetrics.Builder
register(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class JvmCompilationMetrics.Builder
register(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class JvmGarbageCollectorMetrics.Builder
register(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class JvmMemoryMetrics.Builder
register(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class JvmMemoryPoolAllocationMetrics.Builder
register(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class JvmMetrics.Builder
Register all JVM metrics with the registry.
register(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class JvmNativeMemoryMetrics.Builder
register(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class JvmRuntimeInfoMetric.Builder
register(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class JvmThreadsMetrics.Builder
register(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class ProcessMetrics.Builder
register(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class SimpleclientCollector.Builder
registry(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class HTTPServer.Builder
registry(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class OpenTelemetryExporter.Builder
registry(PrometheusRegistry) - Method in class PushGateway.Builder
Push metrics from this registry instead of PrometheusRegistry.defaultRegistry.
remove(String...) - Method in class Info
Remove the data point with the specified label values.
remove(String...) - Method in class Summary
Remove the data point with the given label values.
Request(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class HttpExchangeAdapter.Request
Request(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class HttpExchangeAdapter.Request
Constructs a new Request with the given HttpServletRequest.
reset() - Method in class ExemplarSampler
resourceAttribute(String, String) - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties.Builder
resourceAttribute(String, String) - Method in class OpenTelemetryExporter.Builder
Add a resource attribute.
ResourceAttributes - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry
ResourceAttributes() - Constructor for class ResourceAttributes
ResourceAttributesDefaults - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry
ResourceAttributesDefaults() - Constructor for class ResourceAttributesDefaults
ResourceAttributesFromJarFileName - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry
ResourceAttributesFromJarFileName() - Constructor for class ResourceAttributesFromJarFileName
ResourceAttributesFromOtelAgent - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry
ResourceAttributesFromOtelAgent() - Constructor for class ResourceAttributesFromOtelAgent
Response(HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class HttpExchangeAdapter.Response
Response(HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class HttpExchangeAdapter.Response
Constructs a new Response with the given HttpServletResponse.


sampleIntervalMilliseconds(int) - Method in class ExemplarsProperties.Builder
sanitizeLabelName(String) - Static method in class PrometheusNaming
Convert an arbitrary string to a name where isValidLabelName(name) is true.
sanitizeMetricName(String) - Static method in class PrometheusNaming
Convert an arbitrary string to a name where isValidMetricName(name) is true.
sanitizeMetricName(String, Unit) - Static method in class PrometheusNaming
Like PrometheusNaming.sanitizeMetricName(String), but also makes sure that the unit is appended as a suffix if the unit is not null.
schedule(Runnable, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class Scheduler
Scheduler - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.util
Used for scheduling maintenance tasks like purging outdated Exemplars or resetting native histograms.
Scheduler() - Constructor for class Scheduler
scheme(Scheme) - Method in class PushGateway.Builder
Specify if metrics should be pushed using HTTP or HTTPS.
Scheme - Enum Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.pushgateway
scrape() - Method in class PrometheusRegistry
scrape(PrometheusScrapeRequest) - Method in class PrometheusRegistry
scrape(Predicate<String>) - Method in class PrometheusRegistry
scrape(Predicate<String>, PrometheusScrapeRequest) - Method in class PrometheusRegistry
scrapeTimestampMillis(long) - Method in class DataPointSnapshot.Builder
In most cases you should not set a scrape timestamp, because the scrape timestamp is set by the Prometheus server during scraping.
SECONDS - Static variable in class Unit
secondsToMillis(double) - Static method in class Unit
sendHeadersAndGetBody(int, int) - Method in interface PrometheusHttpResponse
This is equivalent to calling HttpExchange.sendResponseHeaders(int, long) followed by HttpExchange.getResponseBody().
sendHeadersAndGetBody(int, int) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.HttpResponse
sendHeadersAndGetBody(int, int) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.Response
sendHeadersAndGetBody(int, int) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.Response
serviceInstanceId(String) - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties.Builder
serviceInstanceId(String) - Method in class OpenTelemetryExporter.Builder
The resource attribute.
serviceName(String) - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties.Builder
serviceName(String) - Method in class OpenTelemetryExporter.Builder
The resource attribute.
serviceNamespace(String) - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties.Builder
serviceNamespace(String) - Method in class OpenTelemetryExporter.Builder
The service.namespace resource attribute.
serviceVersion(String) - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties.Builder
serviceVersion(String) - Method in class OpenTelemetryExporter.Builder
The service.version resource attribute.
set(double) - Method in interface GaugeDataPoint
Set the gauge to value.
set(double) - Method in class Gauge
Set the gauge to value.
setFalse(Enum<?>) - Method in interface StateSetDataPoint
state must be one of the states from when the StateSet was created with StateSet.Builder.states(Class).
setFalse(String) - Method in interface StateSetDataPoint
state must be one of the states from when the StateSet was created with StateSet.Builder.states(String...).
setFalse(String) - Method in class StateSet
state must be one of the states from when the StateSet was created with StateSet.Builder.states(String...).
setHeader(String, String) - Method in interface PrometheusHttpResponse
See jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.setHeader(String, String)
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.HttpResponse
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.Response
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class HttpExchangeAdapter.Response
setLabels(Map<String, String>) - Method in class MapperConfig
setLabelValues(String...) - Method in class Info
Set the info label values.
setMatch(String) - Method in class MapperConfig
setName(String) - Method in class MapperConfig
setSpanContext(SpanContext) - Static method in class SpanContextSupplier
setTrue(Enum<?>) - Method in interface StateSetDataPoint
state must be one of the states from when the StateSet was created with StateSet.Builder.states(Class).
setTrue(String) - Method in interface StateSetDataPoint
state must be one of the states from when the StateSet was created with StateSet.Builder.states(String...).
setTrue(String) - Method in class StateSet
state must be one of the states from when the StateSet was created with StateSet.Builder.states(String...).
setWithExemplar(double, Labels) - Method in interface GaugeDataPoint
Set the gauge to value, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
setWithExemplar(double, Labels) - Method in class Gauge
Set the gauge to value, and create a custom exemplar with the given labels.
SimpleclientCollector - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.simpleclient.bridge
Bridge from simpleclient (version 0.16.0 and older) to the new prometheus-metrics (version 1.0.0 and newer).
SimpleclientCollector.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.simpleclient.bridge
size() - Method in class ClassicHistogramBuckets
size() - Method in class Exemplars
size() - Method in class Labels
size() - Method in class MetricSnapshots
size() - Method in class NativeHistogramBuckets
size() - Method in class Quantiles
size() - Method in class StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot
SlidingWindow<T> - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
Maintains a ring buffer of T to implement a sliding time window.
SlidingWindow(Class<T>, Supplier<T>, ObjDoubleConsumer<T>, long, int) - Constructor for class SlidingWindow
Example: If the maxAgeSeconds is 60 and ageBuckets is 3, then 3 instances of T are maintained and the sliding window moves to the next instance of T every 20 seconds.
SPAN_ID - Static variable in class Exemplar
Label name for span id.
SpanContext - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.tracer.common
SpanContextSupplier - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.tracer.initializer
SpanContextSupplier() - Constructor for class SpanContextSupplier
spanId(String) - Method in class Exemplar.Builder
startTimer() - Method in interface DistributionDataPoint
Start a Timer.
startTimer() - Method in interface GaugeDataPoint
Start a Timer.
startTimer() - Method in interface TimerApi
Start a Timer.
state(String, boolean) - Method in class StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot.Builder
Add a state.
states(Class<? extends Enum<?>>) - Method in class StateSet.Builder
Declare the states that should be represented by this StateSet.
states(String...) - Method in class StateSet.Builder
Declare the states that should be represented by this StateSet.
StateSet - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
StateSet metric.
StateSet.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
StateSetDataPoint - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.core.datapoints
Represents a single StateSet data point.
StateSetDataPointSnapshot(String[], boolean[], Labels) - Constructor for class StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot
To create a new StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot, you can either call the constructor directly or use the Builder with StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot.builder().
StateSetDataPointSnapshot(String[], boolean[], Labels, long) - Constructor for class StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot
Constructor with an additional scrape timestamp.
StateSetSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable snapshot of a StateSet metric.
StateSetSnapshot(MetricMetadata, Collection<StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot>) - Constructor for class StateSetSnapshot
To create a new StateSetSnapshot, you can either call the constructor directly or use the builder with StateSetSnapshot.builder().
StateSetSnapshot.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
StateSetSnapshot.State - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
stop() - Method in class HTTPServer
Stop the HTTP server.
stream() - Method in class ClassicHistogramBuckets
stream() - Method in class Labels
stream() - Method in class MetricSnapshots
stream() - Method in class NativeHistogramBuckets
stream() - Method in class StateSetSnapshot.StateSetDataPointSnapshot
sum(double) - Method in class HistogramSnapshot.HistogramDataPointSnapshot.Builder
Summary - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
Summary metric.
Summary.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
Summary.DataPoint - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
SummaryDataPointSnapshot(long, double, Quantiles, Labels, Exemplars, long) - Constructor for class SummarySnapshot.SummaryDataPointSnapshot
To create a new SummarySnapshot.SummaryDataPointSnapshot, you can either call the constructor directly or use the Builder with SummarySnapshot.SummaryDataPointSnapshot.builder().
SummaryDataPointSnapshot(long, double, Quantiles, Labels, Exemplars, long, long) - Constructor for class SummarySnapshot.SummaryDataPointSnapshot
Constructor with an additional scrape timestamp.
summaryMaxAgeSeconds(Long) - Method in class MetricsProperties.Builder
summaryNumberOfAgeBuckets(Integer) - Method in class MetricsProperties.Builder
SummaryPointDataImpl - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry.otelmodel
SummaryPointDataImpl(double, long, long, long, Attributes, List<DoubleExemplarData>) - Constructor for class SummaryPointDataImpl
summaryQuantileErrors(double...) - Method in class MetricsProperties.Builder
summaryQuantiles(double...) - Method in class MetricsProperties.Builder
SummarySnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable snapshot of a Summary metric.
SummarySnapshot(MetricMetadata, Collection<SummarySnapshot.SummaryDataPointSnapshot>) - Constructor for class SummarySnapshot
To create a new SummarySnapshot, you can either call the constructor directly or use the builder with SummarySnapshot.builder().
SummarySnapshot.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
SummarySnapshot.SummaryDataPointSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
SummarySnapshot.SummaryDataPointSnapshot.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
SummaryWithCallback - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
SummaryWithCallback.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics
SummaryWithCallback.Callback - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.core.metrics


test(String) - Method in class MetricNameFilter
TextFormatUtil - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.expositionformats
TextFormatUtil() - Constructor for class TextFormatUtil
time(Runnable) - Method in interface TimerApi
Observe the duration of the func call.
time(Supplier<T>) - Method in interface TimerApi
Like TimerApi.time(Runnable), but returns the return value of func.
timeChecked(Callable<T>) - Method in interface TimerApi
Like TimerApi.time(Supplier), but func may throw a checked Exception.
timeoutSeconds(int) - Method in class ExporterOpenTelemetryProperties.Builder
timeoutSeconds(int) - Method in class OpenTelemetryExporter.Builder
The timeout for outgoing requests.
Timer - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.core.datapoints
Helper class for observing durations.
TimerApi - Interface in io.prometheus.metrics.core.datapoints
Convenience API for timing durations.
timestampMillis(long) - Method in class Exemplar.Builder
toDebugString(MetricSnapshots) - Method in class PrometheusProtobufWriter
toString() - Method in enum class Scheme
toString() - Method in class MapperConfig
toString() - Method in class Labels
This must not be used in Prometheus exposition formats because names may contain dots.
toString() - Method in class Unit
TRACE_ID - Static variable in class Exemplar
Label name for trace id.
traceId(String) - Method in class Exemplar.Builder


unit(Unit) - Method in class Info.Builder
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException because Info metrics cannot have a unit.
unit(Unit) - Method in class MetricWithFixedMetadata.Builder
unit(Unit) - Method in class InfoSnapshot.Builder
unit(Unit) - Method in class MetricSnapshot.Builder
unit(Unit) - Method in class StateSetSnapshot.Builder
Unit - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Some pre-defined units for convenience.
Unit(String) - Constructor for class Unit
UnknownDataPointSnapshot(double, Labels, Exemplar) - Constructor for class UnknownSnapshot.UnknownDataPointSnapshot
To create a new UnknownSnapshot.UnknownDataPointSnapshot, you can either call the constructor directly or use the Builder with UnknownSnapshot.UnknownDataPointSnapshot.builder().
UnknownDataPointSnapshot(double, Labels, Exemplar, long) - Constructor for class UnknownSnapshot.UnknownDataPointSnapshot
Constructor with an additional scrape timestamp.
UnknownSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
Immutable snapshot of an Unknown (Untyped) metric.
UnknownSnapshot(MetricMetadata, Collection<UnknownSnapshot.UnknownDataPointSnapshot>) - Constructor for class UnknownSnapshot
To create a new UnknownSnapshot, you can either call the constructor directly or use the builder with UnknownSnapshot.builder().
UnknownSnapshot.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
UnknownSnapshot.UnknownDataPointSnapshot - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
UnknownSnapshot.UnknownDataPointSnapshot.Builder - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.model.snapshots
unregister(Collector) - Method in class PrometheusRegistry
unregister(MultiCollector) - Method in class PrometheusRegistry


value(double) - Method in class CounterSnapshot.CounterDataPointSnapshot.Builder
Counter value.
value(double) - Method in class Exemplar.Builder
value(double) - Method in class GaugeSnapshot.GaugeDataPointSnapshot.Builder
Gauge value.
value(double) - Method in class UnknownSnapshot.UnknownDataPointSnapshot.Builder
ValueAtQuantileImpl - Class in io.prometheus.metrics.exporter.opentelemetry.otelmodel
ValueAtQuantileImpl(double, double) - Constructor for class ValueAtQuantileImpl
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class Format
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class Scheme
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class Scheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VOLTS - Static variable in class Unit


withExemplars() - Method in class Summary.Builder
Allow Exemplars for this metric.
withoutExemplars() - Method in class Summary.Builder
Turn off Exemplars for this metric.
write(OutputStream, MetricSnapshots) - Method in interface ExpositionFormatWriter
Text formats use UTF-8 encoding.
write(OutputStream, MetricSnapshots) - Method in class OpenMetricsTextFormatWriter
write(OutputStream, MetricSnapshots) - Method in class PrometheusProtobufWriter
write(OutputStream, MetricSnapshots) - Method in class PrometheusTextFormatWriter
writeCreated(OutputStreamWriter, MetricSnapshot) - Method in class PrometheusTextFormatWriter
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