Multiprocess Mode
Prometheus client libraries presume a threaded model, where metrics are shared across workers. This doesn’t work so well for languages such as Python where it’s common to have processes rather than threads to handle large workloads.
To handle this the client library can be put in multiprocess mode. This comes with a number of limitations:
- Registries can not be used as normal, all instantiated metrics are exported
- Registering metrics to a registry later used by a
may cause duplicate metrics to be exported
- Registering metrics to a registry later used by a
- Custom collectors do not work (e.g. cpu and memory metrics)
- Gauges cannot use
- Info and Enum metrics do not work
- The pushgateway cannot be used
- Gauges cannot use the
label - Exemplars are not supported
- Remove and Clear of labels are currently not supported in multiprocess mode.
There’s several steps to getting this working:
1. Deployment:
environment variable must be set to a directory
that the client library can use for metrics. This directory must be wiped
between process/Gunicorn runs (before startup is recommended).
This environment variable should be set from a start-up shell script, and not directly from Python (otherwise it may not propagate to child processes).
2. Metrics collector:
The application must initialize a new CollectorRegistry
, and store the
multi-process collector inside. It is a best practice to create this registry
inside the context of a request to avoid metrics registering themselves to a
collector used by a MultiProcessCollector
. If a registry with metrics
registered is used by a MultiProcessCollector
duplicate metrics may be
exported, one for multiprocess, and one for the process serving the request.
from prometheus_client import multiprocess
from prometheus_client import generate_latest, CollectorRegistry, CONTENT_TYPE_LATEST, Counter
MY_COUNTER = Counter('my_counter', 'Description of my counter')
# Expose metrics.
def app(environ, start_response):
registry = CollectorRegistry()
data = generate_latest(registry)
status = '200 OK'
response_headers = [
('Content-type', CONTENT_TYPE_LATEST),
('Content-Length', str(len(data)))
start_response(status, response_headers)
return iter([data])
3. Gunicorn configuration:
The gunicorn
configuration file needs to include the following function:
from prometheus_client import multiprocess
def child_exit(server, worker):
4. Metrics tuning (Gauge):
When Gauge
s are used in multiprocess applications,
you must decide how to handle the metrics reported by each process.
Gauges have several modes they can run in, which can be selected with the multiprocess_mode
- ‘all’: Default. Return a timeseries per process (alive or dead), labelled by the process’s
(the label is added internally). - ‘min’: Return a single timeseries that is the minimum of the values of all processes (alive or dead).
- ‘max’: Return a single timeseries that is the maximum of the values of all processes (alive or dead).
- ‘sum’: Return a single timeseries that is the sum of the values of all processes (alive or dead).
- ‘mostrecent’: Return a single timeseries that is the most recent value among all processes (alive or dead).
Prepend ’live’ to the beginning of the mode to return the same result but only considering living processes (e.g., ’liveall, ’livesum’, ’livemax’, ’livemin’, ’livemostrecent’).
from prometheus_client import Gauge
# Example gauge
IN_PROGRESS = Gauge("inprogress_requests", "help", multiprocess_mode='livesum')