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OpenTelemetry’s vision statement says that telemetry should be loosely coupled, allowing end users to pick and choose from the pieces they want without having to bring in the rest of the project, too. In that spirit, you might choose to instrument your Java application with the Prometheus Java client library for metrics, and attach the OpenTelemetry Java agent to get distributed tracing.

First, if you attach the OpenTelemetry Java agent you might want to turn off OTel’s built-in metrics, because otherwise you get metrics from both the Prometheus Java client library and the OpenTelemetry agent (technically it’s no problem to get both metrics, it’s just not a common use case).

# This will tell the OpenTelemetry agent not to send metrics, just traces and logs.

Now, start your application with the OpenTelemetry Java agent attached for traces and logs.

java -javaagent:path/to/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar -jar myapp.jar

With the OpenTelemetry Java agent attached, the Prometheus client library will do a lot of magic under the hood.

  • and are used in OpenTelemetry to uniquely identify a service instance. The Prometheus client library will automatically use the same and as the agent when pushing metrics in OpenTelemetry format. That way the monitoring backend will see that the metrics and the traces are coming from the same instance.
  • Exemplars are added automatically if a Prometheus metric is updated in the context of a distributed OpenTelemetry trace.
  • If a Span is used as an Exemplar, the Span is marked with the Span attribute exemplar="true". This can be used in the OpenTelemetry’s sampling policy to make sure Exemplars are always sampled.

Here’s more context on the exemplar="true" Span attribute: Many users of tracing libraries don’t keep 100% of their trace data, because traces are very repetitive. It is very common to sample only 10% of traces and discard 90%. However, this can be an issue with Exemplars: In 90% of the cases Exemplars would point to a trace that has been thrown away.

To solve this, the Prometheus Java client library annotates each Span that has been used as an Exemplar with the exemplar="true" Span attribute.

The sampling policy in the OpenTelemetry collector can be configured to keep traces with this attribute. There’s no risk that this results in a significant increase in trace data, because new Exemplars are only selected every minRetentionPeriodSeconds seconds.

Here’s an example of how to configure OpenTelemetry’s tail sampling processor to sample all Spans marked with exemplar="true", and then discard 90% of the traces:

      name: keep-exemplars,
      type: string_attribute,
      string_attribute: { key: "exemplar", values: [ "true" ] }
      name: keep-10-percent,
      type: probabilistic,
      probabilistic: { sampling_percentage: 10 }

The examples/example-exemplar-tail-sampling/ directory has a complete end-to-end example, with a distributed Java application with two services, an OpenTelemetry collector, Prometheus, Tempo as a trace database, and Grafana dashboards. Use docker-compose as described in the example’s README to run the example and explore the results.